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How To Pass Chinese University Interview Questions (Sample Qns Review and How To Answer Them).

 Suppose you have already completed that dream application to your desired University; And after review of your documents you got this email or call scheduling you for your online interview.

Mind you the interview may be conducted by your recruiting university with 5-6 interviewers. 

Huhh! Stresses now becomes high, hahaha, don’t panic I got you covered with some highlights in this post. So keep on reading.

Truth been told, there is no better way than to prepare yourself for that interview.

I will give you 5 most popular Chinese University interview questions and how you supposed to answer and succeed just that.

1. Tell Us About Yourself

This is the must ask question, you will be asked this question on your interview trust me.

Normally its the first question, so relax and talk clear and briefly about your special skills, interests and how they relates to the scholarship that you are applying. Make sure you speak louder, clear and they can hear you well with good accent while keeping it short and nice. Speak with confidence and enthusiasm.

2. Tell Us About Your Greatest Strength?

This is also the guaranteed question that you will be asked. Here you can pick your strongest quality and attach with specific examples and stories on why it is essential to your career.

If you are an excellent presenter, talk about your awesome presentations and so on, or a great singer, talk about it.

3. Why Did You Choose This University or College?

-Now let me not overemphasize, but they will need to know why you chose their institution over others, not that you can start to explain about their University to them, a big no! But this question aim need to know more about you, you can forexample speak up about how your former Uni aligns with that University you apply, their courses and other programs and how you can utilize them with during your education.

4. What Are Your Favorite Hobbies?

The Chinese committee would want to know your hobbies and the likes; for instance you can talk about what you would probably do after class hours in the evenings or over the weekends such as playing various sports, football, badminton’s, basketball 🏀 etc.

5. Where Do You See Yourself After Education/Studies In China?

This question prompts to know your future plans after you graduated.

How are you gonna use the knowledge you got from your prospective university. They do not expect to see you the same after completing your undergrad or masters degree right? So tell them about your career plan. Tell them why their funds matters. And never forget to say “Thank You” at the end of the interview.

Furthermore, trust me you have got this , until you have been scheduled an interview then there is hope for that position or scholarship , so you are the best candidate and go get it champ.

If you have other useful questions to remind us, write it down in comments and i will reply to you, also if you have other problems to be solved inbox me or comment below. Thanks a lot for your time.