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Fully Funded Singapore international graduate scholarship is open


The deadline is June 1st, 2023

The A*STAR Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore. The program is designed to attract top talent to Singapore and support their research and development in areas of science and technology. Here are some key details about the A*STAR Scholarship:
>Open to all nationalities
>Applicants must have excellent academic results
>Applicants must possess good leadership qualities and strong communication skills
>Applicants must be eligible to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate studies in science and technology-related fields
>Full tuition fees
>Monthly allowance for living expenses
>Annual airfare to and from home country
>Health insurance
>Opportunities for internships and overseas attachments
>Mentorship and networking opportunities
*Application Process:
>Applications can be submitted online through the A*STAR website>>> To Apply Click this link
>Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview
>Successful applicants will be notified by email and offered the scholarship

The A*STAR Scholarship is highly competitive, with many talented students from around the world vying for a limited number of spots. If you're interested in applying, it's important to carefully review the eligibility criteria and put together a strong application that highlights your academic achievements, leadership qualities, and passion for science and technology.

For more information on this Singapore scholarship, please click here

To Apply Click this link

Chapisha Maoni

0 Maoni