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Internship Opportunity - Intern for the Programme SEAMPEC II in the areas of communication, monitoring and knowledge management (GIZ)

As a federal enterprise the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH sipports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.
For our operations in Arusha, Tanzania, we are looking for a citizen (enrolled student or recent university graduate) of an East African Community Partner State for the position of Intern for the programme “Support to East African Integration” (SEAMPEC II) in the areas of communication, monitoring and knowledge management.

Field of Activity
SEAMPEC II supports EAC integration on three levels. Firstly, it aims at supporting regional and continental trade in products with potential to foster sustainable economic transformation such as agricultural commodities. For this, it supports the implementation of regional agreements that improve framework conditions for increasing value-addition in pharmaceuticals, fruits & vegetables as well as leather and leather products.

Secondly, SEAMPEC II focuses on strengthening regional and continental trade in services with potential to support sustainable economic transformation, among them ICT, e-Commerce and tourism. The programme also assists the private sector in developing policy positions and recommendations. Additionally, SEAMPEC II supports the EAC to jointly formulate harmonised positions in the negotiations for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and build capacities of the relevant stakeholders to engage in the continental trade.

Thirdly, on the level of organisational development, SEAMPEC II aims at strengthening capacities of the EAC Secretariat to implement the 6th EAC Development Strategy. Additionally, the programme works on the level of individual capacity development to equip staff of EAC and relevant regional organisations with the knowledge and skills to push regional integration forward as depicted in the EAC Vision 2050.

SEAMPEC II is part of the technical development cooperation between the EAC and Germany. The political partner as well as the implementation partner is the EAC Secretariat in Arusha. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Your Tasks
You will support the programme team in the implementation of the SEAMPEC II programme, which aims at improving the institutional and regulatory framework conditions for regional and continental trade in the East African Community. In particular, you will support the areas of communication, monitoring and knowledge management.
This includes:
• Supporting the team in day-to-day activities such as logistical support for national and regional meetings, drafting minutes of the meetings, online research, filing etc. • Support the team in developing content for the EAC-Germany website and social media appearance (incl. development of graphics) • Supporting the updating and managing of the results monitoring tool for SEAMPEC II • Supporting the team in working with local subsidy partners from the private sector and civil society organizations to build capacities in their communications and project reporting
Your Profile
You have a bachelor’s or masters’ degree in studies such as Business, Economics, Politics, Communication, Graphic Design or another to the tasks related field of studies. You possess basic knowledge and ideally also experience in communication (incl. graphic design) and/or monitoring and the East African Community integration process.

Good intercultural skills, experience in working in an international context, excellent communication and cooperation skills and strategic thinking are among your special strengths. You can express your thoughts very well in writing and orally in English; knowledge of German is not required but would be an additional benefit. You can explain complex facts and circumstances in easily understandable language. You are a good team player, well organized, able to work independently and grasp new topics and knowledge areas quickly. You are a proficient user of the Microsoft Office applications.

Assignment Period and deadline for submission of application

01.04.2023 - 30.09.2023;

Only applications (soft copies) which reach us by 16 March will be considered. You will be paid a monthly subsidy allowance.

Other information
Please be informed that you are only allowed to apply for this internship, if you are currently enrolled as a student or have graduated not longer than six months ago.

GIZ would like to increase the proportion of employees with disability. Applications from persons with disabilities are most welcome.

Contact: Mr Marius Weist (

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