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Join the Millennium Fellowship class of 2024 now!

Millennium Campus Network (MCN) is a global student movement to address humanity’s greatest challenges. MCN and United Nations Academic Impact have partnered to present the Millennium Fellowship. The Fellowship is a leadership development program on university campuses that convenes, challenges, and celebrates student leadership for UN goals. The partnership began in 2018 and has had a global impact. 15,159 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2020 on 1,458 campuses across 135 nations. 80 campuses worldwide were selected to host the 1,438 Millennium Fellows in the Class of 2020. These Fellows collectively advanced all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 10 UNAI principles. The Fellowship is expected to grow in future years.

Through their programs over a decade, MCN has convened and trained over 7,000 young leaders from 300 campuses worldwide to strengthen their communities. 75% of MCN alumni now work in social impact careers in the public and private sectors – building a talent pipeline trusted by employers, funders, and graduate schools.

Note that each selected campus hub will typically have 8-20 Millennium Fellows (meaning you are strongly encouraged to invite your colleagues and classmates on your campus to apply as well). When you apply, you are asked to submit your Millennium Fellowship Project. Whatever your project is, it must be time-bound – something you can make meaningful, measurable impact on during the Millennium Fellowship (August-December) and it must advance at least one Sustainable Development Goal and one UNAI principle. For some examples, it could be (but is not limited to):

  • leading your campus organization (for example, a chapter of AIESEC, ENACTUS, or UNICEF) that advances UN goals.

  • student journalism – writing a series on the Sustainable Development Goals for your campus newspaper.

  • running a social enterprise.

  • innovative research that concretely advances UN goals.

  • proposing a collective action as a Project – a campus-wide and/or community-wide initiative that advances UN goals. For inspiration, learn about Middlebury College’s successful campus-wide action to become carbon neutral by 2016 (advancing SDG 13).

If you want to curate the Millennium Fellowship on your campus, in your fellowship application you can also apply to be one of two campus directors for your campus.


  • Values-driven leadership training that takes place on-campus, individually, or in groups.
  • Fellows will initiate and engage in a Social Impact project of their own that will advance the SDGs Connections with Millennium. Fellows and alumni from around the world.
  • Webinars by world-class leaders.
  • Access to excellent training resources for the development and execution of social impact projects.
  • Community events like Global Townhall and Graduation Ceremony.
  • Recognition from the United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network upon successful program completion.
  • An absolutely free program for Undergraduate Students from around the world that runs between Aug-Dec every year!


  • You must be at least 18 years old, an undergraduate enrolled in a college or university, and in good standing at that academic institution for the duration of the program.
  • You make a commitment to convene in person at least eight times during the Millennium Fellowship (for 2024 the program will run from August 2024 – December 2024) with your Campus Directors and other Fellows on your campus to share best practices and take collective action.
  • Students have to meet on-campus, in person for the Fellowship sessions. If you miss sessions, this is grounds for expulsion and the forfeiture of your designation as a Millennium Fellow.
  • Campus Directors have additional responsibilities as noted in the FAQs section on “Campus Director Applicants.”

Note: They aim to accept at least eight Millennium Fellows from each Campus Hub (with two Campus Directors). Most Campus Hubs will typically have 8-20 Millennium Fellows. The Fellowship is about forming a community; therefore they encourage you to share the program with other prospective Fellows on your campus and encourage them to apply as well.

Eligible Regions: Open for All


Apply by clicking on the “APPLY NOW” icon given below:

Application Deadline: January 31, 2024