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Located along the rift escarpment in Western Tanzania, the 4,471 square kilometre Katavi National Park is the third largest in the country. However, its remoteness and inaccessibility leaves it comparably untouched, with just a few hundred visitors per year, compared to over 12,000 in the Serengeti.

A land of massive diversity, this untamed and wild area is in the heart of one of the largest and richest wildlife areas in Tanzania. Vegetation varies from miombo woodland, where sable antelope like to hide, to riverine and various types of woodland and shrubland.

Facts about Katavi National Park 
It offers un-spoilt wildlife viewing in the country’s third-largest national park, in a remote location far off the beaten track. The national park is Africa at its most wild — unadulterated 

bush settings, spectacular views, and rich wildlife.


The Katavi, Katuma and Chada Rivers become just pools in the dry season, acting as a magnet for the resident game. Huge herds of elephant and buffalo gather with zebra, waterbucks and duikers around these remaining water sources. Predators look on with eager anticipation, from lions and leopards to wild dog and hyenas. In fact, this is a great spot for watching lion and buffalo interaction. Spotted hyena sightings are frequent, yet wild dogs tend to stick to the escarpment, so spotting these can take lots of luck. Hartebeest and giraffe are also common, as well as impala and topi. Hippo pods are known to grow up to 600 strong, and crocodiles can be found in large numbers in the Katuma riverbed, caves near Ikuu Bridge and the Kapapa River, as well as Ndido Falls.

Vultures watch on eagerly from the trees in the company of fish eagles and vervet monkeys. The wet season sees the rivers flood again, with flowers becoming abundant and water birds making their appearance.


The park is a 4 to 5 hour flight from either Arusha or Dar es Salaam via light aircraft, hence being largely unvisited, but we think you should discover it before it becomes too popular. Accommodation we use in the area includes the luxurious Chada Katavi Tented Camp, which is located close to the airstrip allowing for easier access. Activities include game drives in open-sided vehicles, either for a half or full day. Short guided walking safaris are also available, and there are plans for fly camping in different areas of the park, for the brave.

Location; Southwest Tanzania, east of Lake Tanganyika.
The headquarters at Sitalike lie 40km (25 miles) south of Mpanda town.

Getting there
Charter flights from Dar or Arusha.
A tough but spectacular day’s drive from Mbeya (550 km/340 miles), or in the dry season only from Kigoma (390 km/240 miles).
It is possible to reach Mpanda by rail from Dar via Tabora, then to get public transport to Sitalike, where game drives can be arranged. If travelling overland, allow plenty of time to get there and back.

What to do
Walking, driving and camping safaris.
Near Lake Katavi, visit the tamarind tree inhabited by the spirit of the legendary hunter Katabi (for whom the park is named) – Offerings are still left here by locals seeking the spirit’s blessing.

Two seasonal luxury tented camps overlooking Lake Chada. A Resthouse at Sitalike and campsites inside the park. Basic but clean hotels at Mpanda.