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What are some Important Restrictions on hunting methods?


      All wildlife conservation laws list various means of hunting game animals that are prohibited. They may prohibit, for instance:

·         The use of poisons;

·         The use of traps, snares, pits, set guns, spears, bows and arrows;

·         The use of fire to surround or drive an animal;

·         Driving an animal into water;

·         Hunting an animal from a motor vehicle or aircraft, or using a motor vehicle or aircraft to drive an animal;

·         Using an automatic or repeater rifle, or using a weapon of inadequate calibre or ballistics for the species of animal being hunted;

·         The use of any explosive projectile, or a projectile containing any drug or chemical agent having the property anaesthetizing or paralysing an animal, or any bomb, grenade or explosive;

·         Hunting an animal at night by means of a torch, spotlight or other artificial light.

      Certain other methods of hunting game animals have been made illegal in some countries, but are permitted elsewhere, where social conditions and traditions may differ.

·         Examples of these are the use of dogs in hunting large mammals, baiting for carnivores and waiting to shoot animals at waterholes