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Extinction of Species

The study of fossil record suggests that all species have a finite life span, and that species extinction is a process that occurs naturally, without human influence. The fragile balance of plants and animals that share the Earth took millions of years to develop. why should you visit mkomazi national park? 🦏

Some life forms have persisted in nearly their original state, surviving episodes of mass extinction. Some, like us, are relative newcomers. The ones that have perished will not return. Neither will the thousands of species that are disappearing each year due in large part to such human influences as habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, nor over-harvesting.

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If we continue reducing Earth’s biodiversity at this rate, the consequences will be profound. The web of life connects the smallest bacterium to the giant redwood and the whale. When we put that web in peril, we become agents of calamity.

It is difficult to quantify precisely how many species have become extinct to date. Biologists estimate species are being lost hundreds or even thousands of times of than normal. Many species may become extinct even before they are documented and described. Species extinction appears to be most prevalent on islands (real or “ecological islands”). Known animal and plant species are considered extinct when they have not been sighted for several decades. In spite of the alarming extinction, more kinds of creatures may be alive today than at any other single time in the planet's 4.6 billion years history. Whatever the cause of earlier extinctions, the major extinction is driven by human activity.

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